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Geomancy appears to enter the west in the twelfth century when two scholars, Hugh of Santalla and Gerard of Cremona, translated texts on geomancy into Latin from Arabic. As with many old teachings, its exact origins are unknowable but historians agree that geomancy existed in the north African regions at least as early as the ninth century. Like the Runes, the Geomantic figures are representations of energetic patterns. These figures represent the powers of the four elements in all their various combinations. This is why Geomancy is particularly useful when faced with questions involving the physical world. Everything in the physical world is made of the elements!


Basic Shield Chart


A geomantic divination can be created by several different methods but all will result in what is referred to as a shield chart. This is a basic Geomantic chart that is interpreted to answer whatever question is asked. 

Twelve Houses Geomancy Chart           


In the days before computing, astrology was incredibly difficult. In order to accurately cast an astrological chart, one had to be educated in astronomy and trigonometry. Even then it was quite time consuming and accordingly very expensive. This made astrology inaccessible to the large majority of the population. Geomancy was seen as the astrology of the common people and accordingly geomancers used a twelve house chart seen as the earthly reflection of the twelve houses in the heavens.

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